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Last Chance

If you have ever been to a Flying Tiger Copenhagen store, or visited our webshop, you might have seen our last chance products.

Last chance products are our way of clearing out the stock room. A way to make room for new exciting campaigns and products.

Last chance is also your bet of getting an extra good deal when shopping with us.

Dive into the world of last chance and find something you never knew you needed.

Get it before it's too late

Our last chance items are products we want to sell to make room for new exciting products. This also means we have limited stock of these items. We recommend you buy them before it's too late.

You can often find products from previous campaigns which might not be as popular right now. These could be garden items when summer is over.

Last chance items are great deals

Our last chance items are priced at extra discount prices. This is great news for you, as you get to fill the basket faster. Dive into the selection to find the products that make your heart skip a beat.

Find something you might have missed

At Flying Tiger Copenhagen, we have a lot of products. And we change them to make room for the new exciting things. We won't blame you if you've missed a product or two. But now is the chance to find something that you've missed. We're sure you can find something that your heart desires.

You might even find a gift for someone you love.

Last chance products for all ages

When you start the adventure of browsing our last chance products, we promise you this much: We add products, for all genders, ages and tastes. You can find something for yourself, someone you love, or something you just had to have.

Do you have eco-conscious last chance deals?

Eco-conscious products are a big part of our product selection. And these are also products that we change some times. So you can find some cool eco-conscious products, alongside last chance deals. Find something which makes you happy, while also being conscious of the environment.


Will the items come back?

Last chance items are often items we are clearing. But many of our items can come back in campaigns, or in later seasons.

Should I be quick?

Last chance items are limited in stock. They might not be there if you wait too long.

Why do you stop selling these products?

Often the products are part of an earlier campaign, or are wrong for the season. To make room for new exciting products, we regularly clear out the stock room.

What can I do if an item's sold out?

If a last chance item sells out, you'll have to wait to see if it comes back later. You can also visit a store to see if they have what you need.

Are the last chance products the same as in your stores?

The products in the webshop and in-store are often the same. But there is a difference in what people buy and how many items we have.

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